Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Beach Trip (14)

Forgot to post #13 this morning. This puts a bit beyond the halfway point on the reworks of this run, so we should be to new material on this pretty quick.

The Beach Trip (13)

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Beach Trip (9)

Just a reminder, gentle readers.

The posts of the Beach Trip going up in here are all reworks of the first draft. There have been changes in the artwork and text as I go, because I want these to be more polished pieces than the original run. To those who've read the first 24 episodes, thanks for your patience, and I *will* make it worth your while to hang in there.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Novels

Welcome to a bit of a grand experiment.

This is where those "oh my god will he ever be finished with this?" storylines will be housed, but bear in mind that just because something is posted doesnt mean it's written in pixelated stone. Pages will change, artwork will change, all as I rewrite the pieces in progress. Think of this place as watching the rough draft of a novel taking shape.

As usual, your feedback would be most welcome, even though most of what you see here will WIPs. Still, even as preliminaries (en route to something else, although I dont know what just yet), they could use an outside eye.